We would like to inform you that we have organized the first challenge which, as its name suggests, allows you to learn something about the possibilities of BB3 and earn a prize.
Over the past few years, so much has been done that makes the BB3 solution attractive and in some ways unique. While we’ve tried to explain a lot of things in the User manual and SCPI reference (programming) guide, it’s often not the first place someone would look at what the BB3 can or can’t do.
Therefore, through the EEZ challenge we would like to draw your attention to some features of BB3, which you may not be aware of. If you find them interesting and decide to invest a little time to learn more about it, that could bring you the reward.
You probably won’t be alone in this, so you’ll need to be fast enough because the first one to successfully solve the set task will receive the announced prize.
The first challenge is scheduled for Saturday, June 26, at 16:00 CEST. The challenge is for everyone, so it is not necessary to have BB3 to solve the task. The prize is a €50 or 20% discount voucher (whichever suits you better!), valid for 30 days from the date of issue. Good luck!

The description of the first challenge will become visible when the challenge starts on our website as well as on Twitter and our Discord server (#annoucements channel) at the above time.