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A Widget used to display text.

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Text to be displayed.

Text type


Here we can choose whether the Text property will be calculated from the Expression.

Preview value


This is optional property. If specified then the content of the Label in the project editor will be this value not the expression entered in Text property.

Long mode


If content is selected for Width and Height then this item has no effect because the size of the Widget will be automatically set to fit the entire text, but if the size of the Widget is set manually (px or %) then using of this item defines one of the following ways in which the text will be split if it does not fit within the limits of the Widget:

  • WRAP – Wrap too long lines. If the Height is set to content it will be expanded, otherwise the text will be clipped (Default).
  • DOT – Replaces the last 3 characters from bottom right corner of the label with dots.
  • SCROLL – If the text is wider than the label scroll it horizontally back and forth. If it’s higher, scroll vertically. Only one direction is scrolled and horizontal scrolling has higher precedence.
  • SCROLL_CIRCULAR – If the text is wider than the label scroll it horizontally continuously. If it’s higher, scroll vertically. Only one direction is scrolled and horizontal scrolling has higher precedence.
  • CLIP – Simply clip the parts of the text outside the label.



If this is enabled then, in the text, we can use commands to recolor parts of the text. For example: “Write a #ff0000 red# word”.

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