Add explicit power output to digital I/O port on BB3 chassis

fietser28To power small auxiliary extension that are connected to the BB3 it is useful to have an additional port or make explicit which port power can be drawn from. These hardware extensions (sensors, switches) are very powerful in combination with the micropython...

Add parallel power option between slot2 and slot3 on DIB backplane

fietser28 I would like to have the possibility to have parallel operation of modules in slot 2 and slot 3. This creates more flexibility to combine (future) modules like electronic load. Reference: NOTE: This task is...

EEZ Studio v0.17.0 release

The new EEZ Studio Milestone 23 (version 0.17.0) is complete and publicly available.   When working with instruments, it is now possible to add audio and video comments. The Dashboard project now has both TCP and UDP widgets, for which 4 example projects have...

EEZ Studio v0.16.0 release

The new EEZ Studio Milestone 22 (version 0.16.0) is complete and publicly available. The main task of this milestone is the optimization of work with the database, which will facilitate selective import, export and archiving for users of the Instruments section of EEZ...