5.18. SYSTem
5.18. SYSTem
System commands control system functions that are not directly related to output control, measurement, or status functions.
SCPI command |
Description |
SYSTem |
Issues a single beep immediately |
:KEY |
Enables click tone for local control |
Enables beeper function |
Returns an <instrument_specifier> |
:CHANnel |
Sets channel color |
Returns the number of output channels |
:INFOrmation |
Returns output current capability |
:ONTime |
Returns time passed after last output enable |
Returns channel’s total active time |
Returns output power capability |
Returns output voltage capability |
Sets channel label name |
Returns the channel model and version name |
Returns names of all channel resources |
:PIN |
Sets module pin label name |
Returns the channel slot number |
Returns the channel version number |
:COMMunicate |
Enables the remote interface |
:ETHernet |
Sets the static LAN (IP) address |
:CONTrol? |
Returns the control connection port |
Enables the use of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) |
Sets the IP address of the DNS server. |
Sets the IP address of the default gateway |
Sets the Ethernet communication host name |
Returns the MAC address |
Sets the port number |
Sets the static subnet mask |
Sets NTP service server address |
Sets the frequency of connection to the NTP service |
Sets MQTT connection parameters |
Returns MQTT connection status |
Sets UART speed in bits per second |
Sets UART data size in bits |
Sets UART operation mode |
Sets UART partity check |
Receive string via UART |
Sets UART number of stop bits |
Sends string via UART |
:USB |
Sets USB class |
Sets USB mode |
Places the instrument in remote or local mode |
:CPU |
Returns BB3 firmware version |
:INFOrmation |
:ONtime |
Returns time passed after last power on |
Returns the BB3 total active time |
Returns the control board model name |
:SNO? |
Returns the BB3 serial number |
Returns the BB3 version number |
Sets the date of the system clock |
Sets a pause in SCPI execution |
:DIGital |
Reads the state of the digital port pins |
Sets the state of the digital port pins |
:PWM |
Sets square wave generator duty cycle |
Sets square wave generator frequency |
:PIN<n> |
Sets the selected pin’s function |
Sets the selected pin’s polarity |
:ERRor |
Queries and clears errors from the error queue |
Queries the error/event queue for the number of unread items |
:FAN |
Returns speed of the cooling fan |
Returns status of the cooling fan |
:FORMat |
Sets format for displaying date |
Sets 12h or 24h clock format |
Queries system inhibit state |
:KEY |
Disables front panel [lock/unlock] icon |
Sets the AC mains frequency |
Places the BB3 in the local mode |
:MEASure |
[:SCALar] |
:TEMPerature |
Takes a measurement; returns the average temperature |
[:VOLTage] |
Takes a voltage measurement of the RTC battery |
:PASSword |
:CALibration |
Resets the calibration password to initial value |
:FPANel |
Resets the front panel lock password to initial value |
Changes system password |
Sets output state on power up |
Enters the BB3 into the standby mode |
Enters the BB3 into the standby mode in case of protection trip |
Returns the cycle count on the specified channels |
Places the BB3 in the remote mode |
Initiate low-level (hardware) reset |
Places the BB3 in the remote mode and disables front panel [lock/unlock] icon |
Returns the number of available slots |
Sets module color |
Returns module firmware version |
Sets module label name |
Returns the module model name |
Sets and returns the module serial number |
Enables/disables module on selected slot |
Returns module version number |
:TEMPerature |
:PROTection |
[:HIGH] |
Sets the OTP value |
Clears the latched protection status of the over-temperature protection (OTP) |
:DELay |
Sets the OTP programming delay |
Enables/disables OTP on the selected temperature sensor |
Returns status of OTP activation |
Sets the time of the system clock |
Defines daylight saving time (DST) rules |
Defines time zone |
Returns the SCPI version number |
5.18.1. SYSTem:BEEPer
Syntax |
SYSTem:BEEPer[:IMMediate] |
Description |
This command issues a single beep immediately. |
Usage example |
5.18.2. SYSTem:BEEPer:KEY:STATe
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to enable or disable generation of audible “click” sound when front panel option is selected. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:BEEPer[:IMMediate] SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe |
5.18.3. SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe
Syntax |
SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe {<bool>} SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe? |
Description |
When the beeper is enabled, the BB3 generates audible sound in any of the following situations:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
ON |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:BEEPer[:IMMediate] SYSTem:POWer |
5.18.4. SYSTem:CAPability?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CAPability? |
Description |
This query returns the BB3’s capabilities and outputs the appropriate specifiers. See also SCPI Volume 4: Section 7.1, 1.4.1, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, and 7.2.3 |
Usage example |
5.18.5. SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor {<channel>}, {<color>} SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set channel header and frame color as defined with <color> value between 0 and 24. Use 0 to reset channel color to the default value. Default color number coresponds to the channel number. Available colors and its RGB values is listed below.
This command is only applicable to modules that have discrete channel numbers (CH1, CH2 …). If used on other modules, e.g. SMX or PREL, it may generate -241,"Hardware missing" execution error.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
<color> |
NR1 |
0 – 24 |
0 |
Return |
Query the color number of the specified channel. |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" -241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.6. SYSTem:CHANnel[:COUNt]?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel[:COUNt]? |
Description |
This query returns the number of output channels in a mainframe. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
INSTrument[:SELect] INSTrument:NSELect |
5.18.7. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:CURRent?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:CURRent? [<channel>] |
Description |
Use this query to get currently selected channel output current capability. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.8. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns time passed after last activation of the currently selected channel. Resolution is 1 minute and this information is stored every 10 minutes in non-volatile memory. Therefore it’s possible that up to 10 minutes is lost after restart caused with power outage or system reset. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.9. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns total active time of the currently selected channel. Resolution is 1 minute and this information is stored every 10 minutes in non-volatile memory. Therefore it’s possible that up to 10 minutes is lost after restart caused with power outage or system reset. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.10. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:POWer?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:POWer? [<channel>] |
Description |
Use this query to get currently selected channel output power capability. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.11. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:VOLTage?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:VOLTage? [<channel>] |
Description |
Use this query to get currently selected channel output voltage capability. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.12. SYSTem:CHANnel:LABel
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:LABel {<channel>}, {<label>} SYSTem:CHANnel:LABel? {<channel>} |
Description |
Use this command to define the label of selected <channel>. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
<label> |
Quoted string |
1 – 10 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns the label of the channel queried as a quoted string. |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
SYST:CHAN:LAB CH1,"Heater" |
Related Commands |
5.18.13. SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns the model name and version of the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.14. SYSTem:CHANnel:OPTion?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:OPTion? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns names of all selected channel resources that can be controlled by firmware. Depending of the board model (see the SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel? query) various combination of the following features can be returned:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
Reported resources for channel 1 on the DCP405 module: SYST:CHAN:OPT? CH1 "Volt", "Current", "Power", "OE", "DProg", "Rprog", "Coupled"
Reported resources for channel 3 on the DCM220 module: SYST:CHAN:OPT? CH1 "Volt", "Current", "Power", "OE" |
Related Commands |
APPLy OUTPut:DPRog OUTPut:MODE? OUTPut[:STATe] OUTPut:TRACk[:STATe] {<chanlist>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:LIMit [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce]) SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel? |
5.18.15. SYSTem:CHANnel:PIN:LABel
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:PIN:LABel {<channel>}, {<pin>}, {<label>} SYSTem:CHANnel:PIN:LABel? {<channel>}, {<pin>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to define the pin label specified by <label> on selected <channel>. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
(@n01 or @n02) where n is the slot number |
– |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 8 |
– |
<label> |
Quoted string |
1 – 5 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns the label of the pin queried as a quoted string. |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.16. SYSTem:CHANnel:SLOT?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:SLOT? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns the DIB backplane slot number of the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.17. SYSTem:CHANnel:VERSion?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:VERSion? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns the version number of the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.18. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle {<bool>}, {<interface>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle? {<interface>} |
Description |
Enables or disables USB, Ethernet, MQTT, NTP service, or the remote service Sockets. The setting is effective after rebooting the BB3. This command setting is not changed by power off or the *RST command.
Enabling the Ethernet interface (SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle 1, ETH) will have no effect until a restart is performed using the SYSTem:REStart command.
Remote service Sockets is not supported yet |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
<interface> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
This query returns the status of the selected interface that could be 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:REStart |
5.18.19. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:ADDRess
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:ADDRess {<ip_address>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:ADDRess? |
Description |
Set the IP address of the BB3 manually if the DHCP mode is not enabled. If the DHCP mode is enabled setting the IP address using this command will be ignored. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<ip_address> |
Quoted string |
15 characters max. formatted as four groups of up to 3 digits (range 0–255), separated by “.” |
– |
Return |
The query returns the current IP address sets manually or assigned by the DHCP server. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.20. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP {<bool>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP? |
Description |
Enable or disable the DHCP mode. In DHCP mode, the DHCP server in the current network assigns network parameters (IP ADdress, DNS address, GATEway address and the Subnet MASk) for the BB3. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
ON |
Return |
Query the status of the DHCP mode. |
Usage example |
5.18.21. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DNS
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DNS {<ip_address>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DNS? |
Description |
Set the DNS (Domain Name Service) address if the DHCP mode is not enabled. If the DHCP mode is enabled setting the DNS address using this command will be ignored. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<ip_address> |
Quoted string |
15 characters max. formatted as four groups of up to 3 digits (range 0–255), separated by “.” |
– |
Return |
The query returns the DNS address sets manually or assigned by the DHCP server. If DHCP is used query will return “unknown”. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.22. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:GATEway
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:GATEway {<ip_address>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:GATEway? |
Description |
Set the network gateway address if the DHCP mode is not enabled. If the DHCP mode is enabled setting the network gateway address using this command will be ignored. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<ip_address> |
Quoted string |
15 characters max. formatted as four groups of up to 3 digits (range 0–255), separated by “.” |
– |
Return |
The query returns the network gateway address sets manually or assigned by the DHCP server. If DHCP is used query will return “unknown”. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.23. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:HOSTname
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:HOSTname {<hostname>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:HOSTname? |
Description |
This command sets the BB3 local area network (LAN) connection hostname. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<hostname> |
Quoted string |
1 – 63 characters |
Return |
The query returns the BB3 local area network (LAN) connection hostname as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:ETH:HOST? "bb3-test" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:ADDRess SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.24. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:MAC
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:MAC {<mac_address>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:MAC? |
Description |
Use this command to set Ethernet communication port MAC address. You can set any combination of six hexadecimal values separated by “-”. The Ethernet connection will work as long as two different machine in the LAN don’t have the same MAC address. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<mac_address> |
Quoted string |
17 characters formatted as six groups of 2 digits separated by “-” |
74-69-69-2D-30-00 |
Return |
The query returns the MAC address as a quoted string (six hexadecimal values separated by “-”). |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:ETH:MAC? "70-60-50-40-30-20" |
5.18.25. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:PORT
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:PORT {<number>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:PORT? |
Description |
Use this command to change default (5025) Ethernet communication port for SCPI. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<number> |
NR1 |
1-65535 |
5025 |
Return |
The query returns the Ethernet communication port number. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:CONTrol? |
5.18.26. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:SMASk
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:SMASk {<mask>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:SMASk? |
Description |
Set the subnet mask if the DHCP mode is not enabled. If the DHCP mode is enabled setting the network gateway address using this command will be ignored. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<mask> |
Quoted string |
15 characters max. formatted as four groups of up to 3 digits (range 0–255), separated by “.” |
– |
Return |
The query returns the subnet mask sets manually or assigned by the DHCP server. If DHCP is used query will return “unknown”. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.27. SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:SETTings
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:SETTings {<address>}, {<port>}, {<user>}, {<password>}, {<period>} |
Description |
MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport) is an open OASIS and ISO standard (ISO/IEC PRF 20922) lightweight, publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between devices (i.e. clients). The EEZ BB3 becomes a MQTT client (or node) by establishing connection with this command to the MQTT broker. A broker is a server that receives all messages from the clients and then routes the messages to the appropriate destination clients. It acts as a post office, MQTT doesn’t use the address of the intended recipient but uses the subject line called “Topic”, and anyone who wants a copy of that message will subscribe to that topic. EEZ The BB3 can produce and receive data by both publishing and subscribing. MQTT connection is initiated by sending a sequence of five comma separated connection parameters. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<address> |
Quoted string |
Max. 64 characters |
– |
<port> |
NR1 |
1 – 99999 |
– |
<user> |
Quoted string |
Max. 32 characters |
– |
<password> |
Quoted string |
Max. 32 characters |
– |
<period> |
NR2 |
0.1 – 120 |
1 |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:MQTT:CONN "farmer.cloudmqtt.com", 1883, "user", "password", 10 |
Errors |
-104,"Data type error" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:STATe |
5.18.28. SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:STATe
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:STATe? |
Description |
This query returns the current status of the MQTT connection. |
Return |
Returns -1 if an error occurred, 0 if connection is not established, 1 if connection is established. Return codes greater then 1 indicates various transient states. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:SETTings |
5.18.29. SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP {<server>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP? |
Description |
Use this command to set the NTP service server network address. The BB3 will try to establish connection with selected NTP service on each power up (hard reset), when *RST is issued or periodically as defined with the SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP:FREQuency commad. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<server> |
Quoted string |
IP address or NTP server host name up to 32 characters |
europe.pool.ntp.org |
Return |
The query command returns the NTP service server network address. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.30. SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP:FREQuency
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP:FREQuency {<frequency>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP:FREQuency? |
Description |
Use this command to set the time in minutes between two connection attempts to the defined NTP service. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<frequency> |
NR1 |
15 – 14400 |
720 |
Return |
The query command returns the period in minutes between two connection attempts to the NTP service. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.31. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:BAUD
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:BAUD {<baud>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:BAUD? |
Description |
This command sets one of predefined communication speed in bits per second (baud) if UART is configured on DIN1/DIN2. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<baud> |
Discrete |
9600|14400|19200|38400|57600|115200 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set UART communication speed. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit |
5.18.32. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:DATA
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:DATA {<data>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:DATA? |
Description |
Use this command to set the data size in bits of UART communication. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<data> |
NR1 |
6 – 8 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set UART communication data size in bits. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit |
5.18.33. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE {<uart_mode>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE? |
Description |
Use this command to set UART mode of operation define with <uart_mode> as follows:
Use the SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command to activate UART. Changing DIN1 function to UART will automatically set DOUT1 to UART and vice versa. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<uart_mode> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
Returns the UART mode as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:BOOKmark SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion |
5.18.34. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:PARIty
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:PARIty {<parity>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:PARIty? |
Description |
Use this command to set the parity check of UART communication. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<parity> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set UART communication parity check. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-224,"Illegal parameter value" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit |
5.18.35. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive? |
Description |
Returns quoted string with the contents of the input buffer when UART {mode} is set to BUFFer. Use this query multiple times until input buffer is emptied (in which case it returns an empty string ‘""’) to get the whole contents of the buffer. |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:UART:REC? Test string |
Related Commands |
5.18.36. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:STOP
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:STOP {<stop>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:STOP? |
Description |
Use this command to set the number of stop bits for UART communication. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<stop> |
NR1 |
1 – 2 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set numbe of stop bits for UART communication. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit |
5.18.37. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit {<string>} |
Description |
Use this command to transmit {string} over UART. The new line character (\n) is always appended. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<string> |
Quoted string |
1 to 4096 characters |
– |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:UART:TRAN "Hello World!" |
Related Commands |
5.18.38. SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:CLAss
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:CLAss {<usb_class>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:CLAss? |
Description |
Use this command to set the USB interface class. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<usb_class> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the USB interface class. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:MODE |
5.18.39. SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:MODE
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:MODE {<usb_mode>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:MODE? |
Description |
Use this command to set the USB interface mode that could be one of the following:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<usb_mode> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the USB interface mode. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:CLAss |
5.18.40. SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate {<state>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate? |
Description |
This command configures the remote/local state of the BB3 according to the following settings:
The LOCal parameter is the same as SYSTem:LOCal, the REMote parameter is the same as SYSTem:REMote, and the RWLock parameter is the same as SYSTem:RWLock.
The remote/local state is unaffected by *RST or any SCPI commands other than SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLState. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<state> |
Discrete |
LOCal|REMote|RWLock |
LOCal |
Return |
The query command returns control state of the BB3 that could be LOC, REM, or RWL. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.41. SYSTem:CPU:FIRMware?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CPU:FIRMware? |
Description |
This query returns BB3 (master) firmware version. |
Usage example |
SYST:CPU:FIRM? "1.0" |
5.18.42. SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST? |
Description |
This query returns time passed after last activation of the BB3. Resolution is 1 minute and this information is stored every 10 minutes in non-volatile memory. Therefore it’s possible that up to 10 minutes is lost after restart caused with power outage or system reset. |
Usage example |
5.18.43. SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal? |
Description |
This query returns total active time of the BB3. Resolution is 1 minute and this information is stored every 10 minutes in non-volatile memory. Therefore it’s possible that up to 10 minutes is lost after restart caused with power outage or system reset. |
Usage example |
5.18.44. SYSTem:CPU:MODel?
Syntax |
Description |
This query returns the model name and version of the MCU board. If simulator is used it returns “Simulator”. |
Usage example |
SYST:CPU:MOD? "STM32F7, M1 0.3" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST? SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal? |
5.18.45. SYSTem:CPU:SNO?
Syntax |
Description |
This query returns the BB3 serial number. |
Usage example |
SYST:CPU:SNO? "992A003D3338510738323535" |
Related Commands |
*IDN? |
5.18.46. SYSTem:CPU:VERSion?
Syntax |
Description |
This query returns the BB3 version number. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*IDN? |
5.18.47. SYSTem:DATE
Syntax |
SYSTem:DATE {<year>}, {<month>}, {<day>} SYSTem:DATE? |
Description |
Sets the date of the system clock (RTC). Specify the year, month, and day. The self-test procedure compare date and time stored in RTC registers with values stored in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM). When the later is greater then former or any of them lost integrity (i.e. any of value is outside allowed range: for example seconds are higher then 60 or months are higher then 12, etc.) self-test will failed. The *TST? will return 1 and detailed report could be queried using the DIAGnostic:TEST? command.
The bit 3 (TIME) of the Questionable Status register will be set (see Section 3.4) if datetime self-test failed or datetime was never set. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<year> |
NR1 |
2000 – 2099 |
– |
<month> |
NR1 |
1 – 12 |
– |
<day> |
NR1 |
1 – 31 |
– |
Return |
Query the current date of the system clock in YYYY, MM, DD format. |
Usage example |
SYST:DATE? 2015, 10, 24 |
Related Commands |
5.18.48. SYSTem:DELay
Syntax |
SYSTem:DELay {<time>} |
Description |
This command inserts pause in parsing and executing SCPI commands. Execution of the next SCPI command will start only when the set delay expires. The programmed value can be up to 10 seconds (set in milliseconds). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<time> |
NR1 |
1 – 10000 |
– |
Usage example |
SYST:DEL 1500 |
5.18.49. SYSTem:DIGital:INPut:DATA
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:INPut:DATA? {<pin>} |
Description |
This query reads the state of the digital control port. Applies only to pin 1. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 |
1 |
Return |
The query returns the value of the state of input pin. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity |
5.18.50. SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:DATA
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:DATA {<pin>}, {<state>} SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:DATA? {<pin>} |
Description |
This command sets the output data on the digital output pin. Applies only to pin 3 and 4. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
3 – 4 |
– |
<state> |
Discrete |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
Return |
The query returns the last programmed value on the selected pin. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-114,"Header suffix out of range" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity |
5.18.51. SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:DUTY
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:DUTY {<pin>}, {<duty>} SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:DUTY? {<pin>} |
Description |
Use this command to set duty cycle of the output pin defined as PWM (see the SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command). Applies only to pin 4. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
4 |
– |
<duty> |
NR3 |
0 – 100 |
50 |
Return |
The query returns the square ware generator duty cycle for the specified output pin. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-224,"Illegal parameter value" -230,"Digital pin function mismatch" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:FREQuency SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion |
5.18.52. SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:FREQuency
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:FREQuency {<pin>}, {<frequency>} SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:FREQuency? {<pin>} |
Description |
Use this command to set frequency of the output pin defined as PWM (see the SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command). Applies only to pin 4. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
4 |
– |
<frequency> |
NR3 |
0.03 – 5000000 |
0 |
Return |
The query returns the square ware generator frequency for the specified output pin. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-224,"Illegal parameter value" -230,"Digital pin function mismatch" |
Related Commands |
5.18.53. SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion {<function>} SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion? |
Description |
Use this command to set function of the selected digital port pin. The pin function is saved in non-volatile memory.
All input functions applies only to pin 1 and 2 and all output functions applies only to pin 3 and pin 4.
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<function> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set pin function. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-114,"Header suffix out of range" |
Related Commands |
5.18.54. SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity {<polarity>} SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity? |
Description |
This command sets the polarity of the selected digital port pin. The pin polarity is saved in non-volatile memory.
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<polarity> |
Discrete |
POSitive|NEGative |
– |
Return |
The query command returns POS or NEG. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-114,"Header suffix out of range" |
Related Commands |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce SYSTem:DIGital:INPut:DATA SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:DATA |
5.18.55. SYSTem:ERRor
Syntax |
SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? |
Description |
This query command reads and clear errors from the error queue. A record of up to 20 errors can be stored in the BB3’s error queue. See also “Error Messages” in Section 7. Errors are retrieved in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The first error returned is the first error that was stored. The BB3 beeps once each time an error is generated. The error queue is cleared when power has been off or after a *CLS command. |
Return |
SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? queries and clears the error messages in the error queue. The query returns the number and content of the error message. |
Usage example |
SYST:ERR? -113,"Undefined header" |
Errors |
If more than 20 errors have occurred, the last error stored in the queue (the most recent error) is replaced with: -350,"Queue overflow" No additional errors are stored until you remove errors from the queue. |
Related Commands |
5.18.56. SYSTem:ERRor:COUNt?
Syntax |
Description |
This query command queries the error/event queue for the number of unread items. As errors and events may occur at any time, more items may be present in the queue at the time it is actually read. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.57. SYSTem:FAN:SPEed?
Syntax |
Description |
Use this query to obtain cooling fan speed in rpm. |
Usage example |
SYST:FAN:SPE? 1450 |
Related Commands |
5.18.58. SYSTem:FAN:STATus?
Syntax |
Description |
Use this query to obtain information about cooling fan state. Cooling fan is periodically tested while it’s working (that depends of measured channel’s temperature sensor value). When it does not passed the test, programmed output current is automatically limited to 2 A. |
Return |
Returns numerical status of the cooling fan:
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.59. SYSTem:FORMat:DATE
Syntax |
SYSTem:FORMat:DATE {<format>} SYSTem:FORMat:DATE? |
Description |
Set format that will be used for displaying date. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<format> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns “DMY” or “MDY”. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.60. SYSTem:FORMat:TIME
Syntax |
SYSTem:FORMat:TIME {<format>} SYSTem:FORMat:TIME? |
Description |
Set clock format that will be used for displaying time. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<format> |
NR1 |
12|24 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns 12 or 24 clock format. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.61. SYSTem:INHibit?
Syntax |
SYSTem:INHibit? |
Description |
Use this command to query BB3’s inhibit state that is controlled with digital input (see [SOURce]:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command). When BB3 is in inhibited state, all channel’s output will be disabled (OFF) and triggered action (e.g. LIST) will be paused.
Channel output state command (OUTPut[:STATe]) can be used when BB3 is in inhibited mode but it will not affect output (i.e. change it to enable state). |
Return |
Returns 0 if inhibit is not active or 1 if inhibit is active. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
OUTPut[:STATe] {<bool>} [, <channel>] [SOURce]:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion |
5.18.62. SYSTem:KLOCk
Syntax |
Description |
This command similar to the SYSTem:REMote command disables all front-panel options except for [Lock/Unlock] icon. You can push and hold the [Lock/Unlock] for a few seconds to unlock the front panel. The system password may be needed if it is set. Lock state is saved in non-volatile memory. Therefore, the front panel remains locked even after AC power is cycled. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate SYSTem:REMote |
5.18.63. SYSTem:LFRequency
Syntax |
SYSTem:LFRequency {<frequency>} SYSTem:LFRequency? |
Description |
Use this command to set the AC mains frequency. This parameter determines the PLC (power line cycle) used for A/D conversion in modules such as MIO168 (default value is 50 Hz). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<frequency> |
NR1 |
50|60 |
50 |
Return |
The query returns the set AC mains frequency. |
Usage example |
SYST:LFR? 50 |
Related Commands |
SENSe:NPLCycles |
5.18.64. SYSTem:LOCal
Syntax |
SYSTem:LOCal |
Description |
This command places the BB3 in the local mode during remote operation. All options on the front panel are fully functional. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate SYSTem:REMote SYSTem:RWLock |
5.18.65. SYSTem:MEASure[:SCALar]:TEMPerature[:THERmistor][:DC]
Syntax |
SYSTem:MEASure[:SCALar]:TEMPerature[:THERmistor][:DC]? {<sensor>} |
Description |
Query the temperature measured using the specified temperature sensors as follows:
All installed sensors are periodically tested. When sensor does not passed the test, programmed output current is automatically limited to 2 A. If load that draws more current then 2 A output current will be set to zero. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
Returns the average temperature value in degrees Celsius (oC) as decimal number (NR2). If self-test detect selected temperature sensor failure or sensor is not installed a -240 or -241 error will be generated. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-240,"Hardware error" -241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:FAN? MEASure[:SCALar]:TEMPerature[:THERmistor][:DC] SYSTem:CPU:OPTion? SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:DELay[:TIME] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped? |
5.18.66. SYSTem:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage][:DC]?
Syntax |
SYSTem:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage][:DC]? {<device>} |
Description |
Returns voltage of the RTC (Real-time-clock) backup battery. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<device> |
Discrete |
Usage example |
5.18.67. SYSTem:PASSword:CALibration:RESet
Syntax |
SYSTem:PASSword:CALibration:RESet |
Description |
This command resets the calibration password to the firmware default setting, which is “eezbb3”. This command does not reset the system password. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
CALibration[:MODE] CALibration:PASSword:NEW |
5.18.68. SYSTem:PASSword:FPANel:RESet
Syntax |
SYSTem:PASSword:FPANel:RESet |
Description |
This command resets the front panel lockout password to the firmware default setting, which is empty space (“”). This command does not reset the calibration password. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.69. SYSTem:PASSword:NEW
Syntax |
SYSTem:PASSword:NEW {<old>}, {<new>} |
Description |
Enter a new system password. To change the password, first unsecure the BB3 using the old password. Then, the new code has to be entered. The calibration code may contain up to 16 characters over the remote interface. Minimum length is 4 characters. The new password is automatically stored in non-volatile memory |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<old> |
Quoted string |
0 to 16 characters |
– |
<new> |
Quoted string |
4 to 16 characters |
– |
Usage example |
SYST:PASS:NEW "","mypass2016" |
Errors |
122,"Invalid sys password" 125,"Sys password too long" 126,"Sys password too short" |
Related Commands |
5.18.70. SYSTem:PON:OUTPut:DISable
Syntax |
SYSTem:PON:OUTPut:DISable {<bool>} SYSTem:PON:OUTPut:DISable? |
Description |
This command controls status off all channel outputs on power up. If enabled (ON), all outputs will be disabled regardless of what is stored in user profile selected for auto recall. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
Query returns status of forced output disabling on power up. |
Usage example |
OUTP? 1 SYST:PON:OUTP:DIS 1 (Restart) OUTP? 0 |
Related Commands |
5.18.71. SYSTem:POWer
Syntax |
SYSTem:POWer {<bool>} SYSTem:POWer? |
Description |
This command controls powering down and powering up sequence of the AC power inputs. The “Standby” indicator will be switched on when the BB3 enters the standby mode. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
Query returns BB3 power standby status. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.72. SYSTem:POWer:PROTection:TRIP
Syntax |
SYSTem:POWer:PROTection:TRIP {<bool>} SYSTem:POWer:PROTection:TRIP? |
Description |
Use this command to shut down (set to standby mode) the BB3 when any of channel’s protection tripped. The SYSTem:POWer command has to be used to power the BB3 on again. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
Query returns status of shutdown when tripped mode. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:POWer |
5.18.73. SYSTem:RELay:CYCLes?
Syntax |
SYSTem:RELay:CYCLes? {<chanlist>} |
Modules |
Description |
This query returns the cycle count on the specified channels. The SMX46 module channels are mapped in the following way (n is slot number):
When list of channels separated with comma is specified no space is allowed. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<chanlist> |
ChannelList |
See channels mapping described above |
– |
Usage example |
Query cycle count of power relay on the SMX46 installed in slot 2: SYST:REL:CYCL? (@203) 44 Query cycle count of multiple signal relays on the SMX46 installed in slot 3: SYST:REL:CYCL? (@311,312,313) 13,44,1023 |
Related Commands |
5.18.74. SYSTem:REMote
Syntax |
SYSTem:REMote |
Description |
Use this command to place the BB3 into remote mode for USB (Virtual COM) or Ethernet remote control. All front-panel options are disabled except for [Lock/Unlock] icon. You can push and hold the [Lock/Unlock] for a few seconds to unlock the front panel. The system password may be needed if it is set. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate SYSTem:LOCal SYSTem:RWLock |
5.18.75. SYSTem:REStart
Syntax |
SYSTem:REStart |
Description |
Use this command to initiate low-level (hardware) reset. When executed the power up procedure will start and currently active SCPI session will be lost. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST |
5.18.76. SYSTem:RWLock
Syntax |
SYSTem:RWLock |
Description |
Places the BB3 in the remote mode for USB (Virtual COM) or Ethernet remote control. This command is the same as SYSTem:REMote, except that all front panel options are disabled, including the [Lock/Unlock] icon. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate SYSTem:LOCal SYSTem:REMote |
5.18.77. SYSTem:SLOT[:COUNt]?
Syntax |
Description |
This query returns the number of available slots in BB3 enclosure. That number is always 3. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.78. SYSTem:SLOT:COLor
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:COLor {<slot>}, {<color>} SYSTem:SLOT:COLor? [<slot>] |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set module header and frame color as defined with <color> value. Use 0 to reset module color to the default value. Default module color coresponds to the module slot number. Available colors and its RGB values can be found in the SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor command description.
This command is only applicable to modules that do not have discrete channel numbers (CH1, CH2 …), otherwise it may generate -241,"Hardware missing" execution error. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<color> |
NR1 |
0 – 24 |
0 |
Return |
Query the status of module on the selected BB3 slot. |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" -241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor |
5.18.79. SYSTem:SLOT:FIRMware?
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:FIRMware? {<slot>} |
Modules |
Description |
This query returns the firmware version number of the module installed into specified slot. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
Usage example |
SYST:SLOT:FIRM? 3 "0.9" |
Related Commands |
5.18.80. SYSTem:SLOT:LABel
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:LABel {<slot>}, {<label>} SYSTem:SLOT:LABel? {<slot>} |
Description |
Use this command to define the module label on selected <slot>.
This command is only applicable to modules that do not have discrete channel numbers (CH1, CH2 …), otherwise it may generate -241,"Hardware missing" execution error. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<label> |
Quoted string |
1 – 10 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns the label of the module queried as a quoted string. |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
SYST:SLOT:LAB 1,"Cooler" |
Related Commands |
5.18.81. SYSTem:SLOT:MODel?
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:MODel? {<slot>} |
Description |
This query returns the model name of the module installed into specified slot. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.82. SYSTem:SLOT:SNO
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:SNO {<slot>}, {<sno>} SYSTem:SLOT:SNO? {<slot>} |
Description |
Use this command to set serial number of module without on-board MCU like DCP405. Serial number has to be exactly 24 characters long and could contains only hexadecimal symbols, i.e. 0 to 9 and A to F otherwise a -224,"Illegal parameter value" error will be generated. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<sno> |
Quoted string |
24 characters |
– |
Return |
This query returns the serial number as qouted string of the module installed into specified slot. |
Errors |
-224,"Illegal parameter value" |
Usage example |
SYST:SLOT:SNO? 1 "99280045953510720393737" |
Related Commands |
5.18.83. SYSTem:SLOT:STATe
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:STATe {<slot>}, {<bool>} SYSTem:SLOT:STATe? [<slot>] |
Description |
Use this command to enable or disable module installed into specified slot. When disabled an attempt to communicate with module will generate an execution error. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
Return |
Query the status of module on the selected BB3 slot. |
Errors |
-200,"Execution error" |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.84. SYSTem:SLOT:VERSion?
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:VERSion? {<slot>} |
Description |
This query returns the version number of the module installed into specified slot. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:TEST? SYSTem:CHANnel[:COUNt]? |
5.18.85. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel]
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel] {<temperature>} [, <sensor>] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel]? [<sensor>] |
Description |
Set the over-temperature protection (OTP) value in degrees Celsius (oC) of the selected temperature sensor. When the over-temperature protection function of the specified temperature sensor is enabled (SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe), one of the following action will be performed when the temperature exceeds the over-temperature protection value currently set:
If any of above mentioned temperature sensors cause over-temperature condition an error tone will also follow if beeper is enabled (see SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe). SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped? command can be used to query whether over-temperature protection occurred on the selected temperature sensor. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<temperature> |
NR2 |
10 – 100 |
70 for CH1 to CH2, and 50 for AUX |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
Query the over-temperature protection (OTP) value of the selected temperature sensor. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped? |
5.18.86. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar [<sensor>] |
Description |
This command clears the latched protection status when an over-temperature is detected. All conditions that generate the fault must be removed before the latched status can be cleared. The output is restored to the state it was in before the fault condition occurred. |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped |
5.18.87. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:DELay[:TIME]
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:DELay[:TIME] {<delay>} [, <sensor>] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:DELay[:TIME]? [<sensor>] |
Description |
This command sets the over-temperature protection delay. The over-temperature protection function will not be triggered during the delay time. After the delay time has expired, the over-temperature protection function will be active. Programmed values can range from 0 to 300 seconds. See also Section 8.1 |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<delay> |
NR1 |
0 – 300 seconds |
10 |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
The query returns programmed over-temperature protection delay. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel] |
5.18.88. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe {<bool>} [, <sensor>] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe? [<sensor>] |
Description |
This command enables or disables the over-temperature protection (OTP) function. The enabled state is ON (1); the disabled state is OFF (0). If the over-temperature protection function is enabled and the measured output power reach value set by [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection[:LEVel] the output is disabled and the Questionable Condition status register OPP bit 10 is set. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the current protection state is OFF, and 1 if the current protection state is ON. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar |
5.18.89. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped?
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped? [<sensor>] |
Description |
Query whether OTP occurred on the selected temperature sensor. When protection is tripped bit 4 (TEMPerature) of the Questionable Status register will be set (see Section 3.4). The SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar command can be send to clear OTP condition caused by the selected temperature sensor. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
This query returns a 1 if the protection circuit is tripped and a 0 if it is untripped. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe |
5.18.90. SYSTem:TIME
Syntax |
SYSTem:TIME {<hours>}, {<minutes>}, {<seconds>} SYSTem:TIME? |
Description |
Sets the time of the system clock (RTC). Specify the hours, minutes, and seconds. The self-test procedure compare date and time stored in RTC registers with values stored in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM). When the later is greater then former or any of them lost integrity (i.e. any of value is outside allowed range: for example seconds are higher then 60 or months are higher then 12, etc.) self-test will failed. The *TST? will return 1 and detailed report could be queried using the DIAGnostic:TEST? command.
The bit 3 (TIME) of the Questionable Status register will be set (see Section 3.4) if datetime self-test failed or datetime was never set. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<hours> |
NR1 |
0 – 23 |
– |
<minutes> |
NR1 |
0 – 59 |
– |
<seconds> |
NR1 |
0 – 59 |
– |
Return |
Query the current time of the system clock in HH, MM, SS format. |
Usage example |
SYST:TIME? 15, 10, 33 |
Related Commands |
5.18.91. SYSTem:TIME:DST
Syntax |
SYSTem:TIME:DST {<rules>} SYSTem:TIME:DST? |
Description |
Use this command to define daylight saving time (DST) rules used in your region.
Firmware v1.0 support limited number of region: Europe, US/Canada and Australia/New Zealand. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<rules> |
Discrete |
Return |
Query the DTS rule name used for adjust time. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP SYSTem:TIME |
5.18.92. SYSTem:TIME:ZONE
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to define time zone as offset from GMT. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<zone> |
Quoted string |
-12:00 to 14:00 |
– |
Return |
Query the time zone as offset from GMT in the following format: “[sign]hh:mm GMT” |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP SYSTem:TIME |
5.18.93. SYSTem:VERSion?
Syntax |
SYSTem:VERSion? |
Description |
This command returns the version of the SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) standard with which the instrument is in compliance |
Return |
The command returns a string in the form “YYYY.V”, where YYYY represents the year of the version and V represents a version for that year. |
Usage example |
SYST:VERS? 1999.0 |